If CCF children are to fully prosper, their families and their community must be properly supported. Our services reach not just our students, but into the heart of Steung Meanchey itself.
Our Family & Community solutions
The CCF nursery is a safe haven for young children who otherwise have nowhere to go but the streets when their parents are working.
Medical Clinic
We run Cambodia's only free to access medical clinic, open to all patients in Steung Meanchey. This is a lifeline for those unable to afford basic medical care.
Foster care
At-risk children with no other alternatives can be placed with safe loving families within CCF's World Housing Villages.
Emergency assistance
When disasters like fires and floods strike, those who have little lose everything. CCF provides much needed support for all families facing emergency.
Community awareness and training
A lack of education and economic opportunities leads to problems within households. Through this program, parents learn practical skills from our community outreach team in one-on-one and group sessions.
Financial stability
Many families are driven to Steung Meanchey from their homelands by debt. When trapped in impossible debt, a CCF refinancing loan alleviates financial hardships.
We help upwards of 12,000 people in the community
Annual consultations and treatments at CCF's Medical Clinic
No mothers have died due to child birth in over 1,300 births as part of our Maternal Care Program
children placed with foster care families
The standards of health care and pastoral supervision have been internationally recognized as exceptional, and the success of the of the educational program is extraordinary.
Give to our community
No matter how much or how often you give, you’re making it possible for kids in our community to pull themselves and their families out of poverty.
Supplies 60 meals for the most at risk infants at CCF’s nursery
Supports seven women with a visit to the doctor and treatment at CCF's Medical Clinic
Provides supplies to a foster care family creating loving home for a vulnerable child
How we're ending poverty
Cambodian Children’s Fund empowers kids living in one of Cambodia’s most impoverished communities to pull themselves and their families out of poverty.
These are the solutions that make it all possible.