Since 2004, we've transformed thousands of the most impoverished kids into tomorrow's leaders.

Scott's Story

From Hollywood to this, the Steung Meanchey garbage dump. Former Movie Studio Executive Scott Neeson gave up everything and moved to Phnom Penh to set up Cambodian Children's Fund.

Scott's Story

From Hollywood to this, the Steung Meanchey garbage dump. Former Movie Studio Executive Scott Neeson gave up everything and moved to Phnom Penh to set up Cambodian Children's Fund.

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Access to quality education

Removing the barriers to education that keep children out of school

For 20 years, we’ve been working with some of the most impoverished communities in Cambodia. Originally, our world revolved around the health and well-being of 45 children from the Steung Meanchey garbage dump. Now, around 2,000 children are working towards a better future for themselves and their families through CCF’s award winning education program.

Sisters on SMC dump

Sonoeurn and Sokny working on the garbage dump in 2005

Sonoeurn and Sokny studying university in 2018

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We educate tomorrow's leaders today

With the right education, a child's potential is limitless – the reason it’s our greatest priority.

Our approach is based on a fundamental belief that education will provide children pathways out of poverty. By developing the leadership potential of our students, leaders will emerge that will create generational change and a better future for Cambodia.

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We’re required to rethink previous ways of working, sometimes because they’re outmoded, other times because they are ineffective, and most often because the working environment changes. Innovation is essential to our understanding and growth.

— Scott Neeson
Support Us

How you can help

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From backpacks and books to first aid and food, donations of all sizes make a lasting difference for the children and families in our community. Eighty five cents from every dollar goes directly to grass-roots projects on the ground in Cambodia.

Donate Now
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When you sponsor a child, your family grows a little larger. The bonds that you create benefit everyone – you, your sponsored child, the family and community involved. You’ll celebrate every achievement and help them overcome adversity as they grow into healthy young leaders.

Sponsor a Child
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Grannies hold our community together, passing on traditions, mentoring students, and raising kids who have no one else. When you support a granny, everyone benefits.

Support a Granny
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Ongoing investment in resources and access to essential goods and services helps our long-term stability. With CCF's award winning programs and accountability, our partners ROI is increased trust, loyalty and commitment to their brand and across their company.

Become a partner
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Whether you donate your birthday, host a fun event or gather pledges for a team run across Iceland, fundraisers change lives and empower families. Become a CCF ambassador in your community. You know from personal experience that others will feel great pride when they support CCF.

Start a Fundraiser
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We are always looking for help from specialists and supporters who can exchange their knowledge with our staff, and work with us to improve our community.

See Volunteer Options
CCF One Childs Story Nganh 1
Nhanh never believed he would leave

"I was born to be poor"

"We would eat what we found in the garbage. It would have worms in it but we didn’t care. We just wanted to survive," says Heuv Nhanh - one of CCF's first students.

Today, Nhanh is becoming a successful filmmaker and is great example of the impact of Scott Neeson's vision and the tireless work of CCF in the Steung Meanchey community.

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You can make this the last generation to know poverty in Cambodia

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